Django Terminal Commands eBook |

Django Terminal Commands eBook


Free eBook: Django Terminal Commands


Django Terminal Commands is a quick reference guide to some of the most common Django Commands, especially when first starting a project. Keep it handy when you can’t quite remember that one command to do that one thing!

I’ll also spend a few pages discussing some common things that you always do when you spin up a new Django project. Things like; create a new file in your app directory and modify your original file accordingly, create a templates directory for your web pages, and a static directory for your images, css, and javascript, as well as create a model and add it to your admin section.

This is not meant to be a comprehensive guide to Django. I have tons of video courses for that! This is just meant to be a quick start reference guide. A quick sheet that you can “at a glance” find answers to common newbie questions


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John Elder